
I can relate John! My default is to equate lots of reading (and not necessarily finishing!) with good reading, but that’s just not the case. In all honesty I’ve been wanting to share these thoughts so as to push myself to actually practice them. More to come tomorrow!

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How often do I read a book then lament that I didn’t make notes about the experience? What did I enjoy? If I didn’t finish, why? How did the book impact me?

Thankfully I began a practice a few years ago of noting the books I was reading and capturing quotes from them in Evernote. So I at least can see the breadcrumbs from my reading life. But there’s gotta be more. Planning to read your follow up posts!

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Really good questions Holly, thank you! I love the image of breadcrumbs from my reading life. Often my meditative chewing happens *after* I’ve read a book, but less intentionally than I would like. This reminds me of an idea I’ve had but don’t do as often: I’m an avid underliner / marginalia-maker, and once I finish a book I can re-read it by only reading what I’ve underlined. That’s a good way of eating my breadcrumbs. Thank you for that!

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My reading habits ... a sad state of affairs .... my 'to read' book piles are a testimony against me. I'm a much better book starter than finisher ... I give up too easily if a book just isn't scratching where I itch. I read a lot but not well ... so ... I look forward to your thoughts!

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